David Fourie

David Fourie: WordPress Guy

Starting learning HTML and CSS from W3Schools during my stay in the UK in 2003, experimenting along the way with several CMS‘s, I finally settled on WordPress in 2011.

I specialize in WordPress theme customization (which is also self-taught through the WordPress Codex).

I am a full-time WordPress freelancer since 2018, covering mainly installations, theme customizations, SEO, security and speed optimization.

David Fourie: Writing Guy

My passion for writing started at a young age and is still with me.

According to my Ikigai analysis, writing and teaching are where my fulfillment in life lies. Writing content for my websites that also teaches others how to help themselves makes me very happy.

I participated and won a prize in a national short story competition while I was in my final year of school.

I write and edit articles for CatBuzz, Conclusive and Sparrows.

David Fourie: NPO Guy

My inevitable involvement in the NPO space came about by accident, but built up over several years. It started with a previous employer (and friend) who was (and is) very involved in the social justice space in 2008. I only officially became involved in the space in any capacity in 2014 after an ABCD workshop funded by Simanye Trust. Since then, I have been actively involved with one or more NPO‘s at all times in various capacities and am a member of several NPO networks in South Africa.

I would appreciate if you would consider making a donation to Sparrows Child and Youth Care Centre – my NPO organization of choice.

David Fourie: ABCD Guy

My introduction to ABCD came in 2014. Since then, I have deepened my knowledge and experience of this special development approach and made many like-minded friends across the world through it.

I keep up to date with developments in the ABCD space and am connected to the international network of practitioners and academics.

My personal journey with ABCD has been filled with revelations. It is a very personal approach to me, as I strive to live, learn and apply it each day.

David Fourie: PMEL Guy

I love logic, and PMEL is nothing but logic.

My formal exposure to PMEL came about as a result of my work in the NPO space in 2016, thanks to Ikhala Trust, but dates back to 2010 when I first used the methods I would later be formally introduced to.

In 2016, I also completed my certificate in Outcomes-Based Assessment, which served me well in my later PMEL training.

David Fourie: Value Chains Guy

I had an opportunity in 2017 to attend certificate training in Livelihoods and Markets at GIBS in partnership with Coady International Institute. Yogesh Ghore (Senior Program Staff) and Anuj Jain (Senior Fellow) of Coady International Institute presented the training, with a section on social enterprise by Kerryn Krige.

Want to know me better? I am on Upwork, Facebook, LinkedIn and Gravatar.

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